French Presidency of the Council of the European Union

#EU2022FR January-June 2022

Every six months a different member state holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union. France runned its program during the first semester of 2022, its priorities and orientations are reflected in the strategic challenges for Digital Health in Europe. 
The official Presidency event program includes 22 events organized by the French and EU digital health ecosystem with 2 institutional events/ high-level conferences (Ministerial Conference “Citizenship, Ethics and Health Data” and the eHealth Network meeting) 


Report on the French Presidency of the Council of the EU

Following the Press Conference held on August 25, 2022 closing the French Presidency of the Council of the EU for Digital health « Ambitions for digital health in Europe : report on the French Presidency of the Council of the EU ».

The report deep-dives into :

  • Preparing the European Health Data Space: targets reached during
  • the six months of the French Presidency of the European Union
  • Publication of a comparative study on digital health implementation across EU Member States
  • Adoption of the European Ethical Principles for Digital Health
  • it also elaborates into  : a European Digital Single Market in Digital Health, building the European Health Data Space

An unprecedented mobilisation for e-health in Europe

The official Presidency event program included 22 events in Paris, Lyon, Strasbourg, Nice, Laval,... and online events.

With 2 institutional events + 20 events organized by the French and EU digital health ecosystem, the ANS hosted 3 of them in this first semester of 2022.

MyHealth@EU Event

Introduction and highlight at a national and European level of the implementation of the use cases available thanks to MyHealth@EU by presenting the example of cross-border health professionals as they are particularly likely to be exposed to situations requiring these use cases.

The event was held on the 07/04/2022 | Cross border data interoperability and services of data sharing between Member States with the European Commission program and with future interoperability use cases.

Objective: To introduce and highlight at a national and European level the implementation of the use cases available thanks to MyHealth@EU, Patient Summary, ePrescription, by presenting the example of the cross-border health professionals as they are particularly likely to be exposed to situation requiring these use cases.

Health CyberCamp

At le « musée des Confluences » in Lyon and in a hybrid format, the Health cybercamp aims to bring together the various players in the healthcare offer and to encourage everyone to brainstorm about the necessity to build a strong health cybersecurity.

An occasion to exchange experience in order to create links between cybersecurity and healthcare information systems professionals.

Objective: Based on feedback from participants and speakers, the objective of Health  CyberCamp is to create links between cybersecurity and healthcare information systems professionals.


This project is the ANS next european annual projectathon about the Health Information Systems Interoperability Framework, the objective is to offer actors an opportunity to test the compliance of their solutions and to receive concrete feedback.

Objective:  ANS organises every year a european annual projectathon about the Health Information Systems Interoperability Framework in order to offer actors a opportunity to test the compliance of their solutions and to receive concrete feedback, on topics such as:

  • Governance model for health data at national and European level (CI SIS in France)
  • Examples of implementation under the eHealth Roadmap in France (DMP, MonEspaceSanté , cross border care)

“Citizenship, Ethics and Health Data"


This high-level conference, organised by the Ministerial eHealth Delegation (DNS), was an opportunity to formalise the values which will condition the development of digital health, and to clarify the principles which are set to be the pillars of the future European Health Data Space.

The conference  also aimed to underpin the European digital health strategy with a strong citizen-centered and ethics-based approach.

Professor Ilona Kickbusch’s keynote

The meaning of "citizenship", ethics and health data

Watch Professor Ilona Kickbusch 's speech for the Ministerial Conference*, entitled "The meaning of "citizenship", ethics and health data".

Founder and Chair of the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, Professor Kickbusch shared her deep conviction that we need to apply a broader view that situates digital health within a whole society perspective and a solidarity based digital governance framework.

Professor Kickbusch explains that a "European approach to health data must be grounded in a new understanding of digital health citizenship and on a strong set of values and ethical principles, including data solidarity, equity, digital stewardship and trust, accountability and public participation".

Study on digital health in the EU

The initial findings of this study have already been highlighted during the ministerial conference “Citizenship, ethics and health data” held on February 2, 2022.

A restitution webinar was organised by the French Digital Health Agency (ANS) on 19 April 2022.

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