EU2022FR Program and Events

Every six months a different member state holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union. Since January 1st until June 30th 2022, France runned its program during the first semester of 2022.

The official Presidency event program included 22 events in Paris, Lyon, Strasbourg, Nice, Laval,... and online events. With 2 institutional events +20 events organized by the French and EU digital health ecosystem, the ANS hosted 3 of them in this first semester of 2022.


2022: The French Presidency 

A trio for long-term objectives.

Each Presidency works closely with the two other member states: the one that preceded it and the one that will follow it. This partnership is known as the ‘trio Presidency’. Czech Republic and Sweden will follow the French presidency, together they form the current trio.

The trio determines long-term objectives and draws up a programme containing the major issues the Council will tackle over the next 18 months. To this end, each of the three member states draws up its own six-month programme. The main purpose of the trios lies in ensuring that there is a smoother transition between presidencies and that the  continuity and effectiveness of the Council's work is enhanced over the long term.


The presidency has two main tasks:

  1. planning and chairing meetings in the Council and its preparatory bodies (with the exception of the Foreign Affairs Council); 
  2. representing the Council, mediating and brokering compromises between the EU member states and between EU institutions such as the Council, European Commission and European Parliament.

In 2017, during his speech at the Sorbonne, the French President of the Republic invited the EU to a sovereignty agenda which comes out with the opening of the PFUE and its three key principles : Strength; Relaunch; European belonging.

France’s priorities and orientations for the PFUE are reflected in the strategic challenges for Digital Health in Europe. 
The official Presidency event program includes 22 events organized by the French and EU digital health ecosystem with 2 institutional events/ high-level conferences (Ministerial Conference “Citizenship, Ethics and Health Data” and the eHealth Network meeting) 

Find more information below

Event Calendar 

A 6-months program.

With a total of 22 events planned during the French Presidency, the ANS has hosted 3 of them in this first semester of 2022:

Date Description

January 2022,  10th-14th                                

AI4Health Winter School

Host: Health Data Hub
Partners: MIAI@Grenoble Alpes, 3IA Côte Azur, PRAIRIE

February 2022, 1st-3rd West Data Festival health track

Host: Laval Mayenne Technopole
Partners: Fiteco, Department of Mayenne, Fidal, Atlanpôle Biotherapy, E Health grades of Pays de
la Loire

1st of February 2022

eHealth in Europe post Covid

Host:The G20 Health and development partnership, Dedalus
Partners (to be confirmed): MSS and European Ministerial Delegations, Hospitals and French CHU, G7 Germany, G20 Indonesia, WHO, OECD, Gaia X, Mitsubishi UFJ, RLDatix , PATH, Novartis

2nd of February 2022

High-Level Ministerial Conference: “Citizenship, Ethics and Health Data"

8th of February 2022                                                                      
CyberCamp European Health 2022

Host: eHealth Agency (Agence du Numérique en santé)
Partners(to be confirmed): Doshas Consulting, Hospitals and clinics, MSS, ARS, Insurance, Mutuals 

March 2022, 8th-9th
MedInTechs: innovation at the heart of Health

Host: MedInTechs with JJM Expo
Partners(to be confirmed): FEFIS/NUMEUM,BPI France, YEARS, MINEFI, Le Point, Digital PharmaLab, Withings, Imagine Institute, Raphael Institute, Kelindi , IFEP, Blue Sky, Acsel

9th of March 2022
SANTENUM 2022: Cooperation between health industries and digital companies in Europe

Host: NUMEUM, Syntec Numérique, TECH'IN France, French Federation of Health Industries
Partners: MedInTechs

March 2022, 14th-16th
Projectathon ANS 2022

Host: eHealth Agency (Agence du Numérique en Santé)
Partners: -/-

22nd of March 2022
Digital and physiotherapy: what progress, what challenges in Europe?

Host: French Order of Physiotherapists (Ordres des Masseurs-Kinésithérapeutes)
Partners(to be confirmed): Spanish, Romanian and Polish Orders of Physiotherapists

29th of March 2022
The future of AI in MedTech : Between the medical device regulation and the AI Act

Host: National Union of the Medical Technology Industry (Le dispositif médical SNITEM)
Partners:MedTech Europe, COCIR

6th of April 2022


Challenges of heath data in Europe – Are we preparing ? Building trust – Enabling Science #ProtectHealthData

Host: National Order of Physicians (Ordre National des Médecins), Standing Committee of European Doctors 
Partners: European Council of Physicians’ Colleges, Permanent Committee of European Physicians, Francophone Conference of Physicians Orders, All member organisations of these organisations.

6th of April 2022


Facilitating research at European level through common data models 

Host: Health Data Hub
Partners: Public Assistance - Hospitals of Marseille, Public Assistance - Hospitals of Paris, University of Bordeaux, YEARS

7th of April 2022 MyHealth@EU, accelerating the eHealth shift through cross border cooperation

Host: eHealth Agency (Agence du Numérique en Santé)
Partners(to be confirmed): Ministries of Health and eHealth Agencies of Portugal, Croatia, Malta, Czech Republic, Spain and Estonia, In France: Great East, Occitanie (regions, RSAs, Grades), DG Health (EC)
7th of April 2022

Digital Health Scale-Up 2025 

Host: EIT Health
Partners: French Healthcare Association, BPI France, AI for Health

14th of April 2022
Inauguration of the Academy of Digital Health

Host: The Pharmaceutical Industry (Les Entreprises du Médicaments ( LEEM))
Partners (to be confirmed): Institutional actors and other trade unions, Health and Digital Business Federations, Heads and collaborators of health companies

26th of April 2022 
Cross-border Artificial Intelligence for health 

Host: BIOVALLEY France
Partners: Grand ENOV, France Grand Est Region, Germany, Belgium and Netherlands
11th of May 2022 The creation of national health data hubs

Host: Health Data Hub
Partners: The Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics, Findata, HDH, The National Health Insurance Fund 

12th of May 2022
European VivreCovid19 seminar

Host: Health Data Hub 
Partners:France Assos Santé, Sciensano (Belgium), EURORDIS

May 2022, 17th-19th
International Health and Innovation Exhibition

Host: French Hospital Foundation (Fédération Hospitalière de France), European Hospital and Healthcare Foundation (HOPE) 
Partners: 900 exhibitors, 30,000 professionals

25th of May 2022
Data Challenges around Health Data

Host: Health Data Hub 
Partners: Sociétés savantes françaises (French Pathology Society), Grand Défi (AMI), BPI France

May 2022, 27th-30th
Medical Informatics Europe Conference MIE 2022 (“Challenges of explainable AI and added value on health”)

Host: Sorbonne Université, LIMICS, Laboratory of Medical Informatics and Engineering of Knowledge in eHealth UMRS
Partners: European Federation for Medical Informatics

June 2022, 1st-2nd 
eHealth Network meeting

8th of June 2022

"Toward a common European data health infrastructure to ensure interoperability and valorization of the data for European stakeholders" 

Host: GIP Genopole 
Partners: Scanbalt MTÜ

June 2022, 14th-16th
HIMSS22 European Health Conference Implementing the digital healthcare future

Partners: Business Finland, Sitra, City of Helsinki, Finnish Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Health Finland, EIT Health, IFCC, ISPOR, Healthcare UK, NiCTIZ (Netherlands), eHealth Reporter, TicBioMed...
June 2022, 27th-30th

International Conference on Smart Living and Public Health (ICOST) 

Host: Mines Télécom Institute 
Partners: eHealth Agency (Agence du Numérique en Santé)

Get to know our activities

The Agency committed to the Health@EU program!

The ANS has long been commited in European initiatives in digital health. After the COVID-19 health crisis, the EU4Health program was set up by the European Commission with the aim of supporting the actions of European health authorities for 2021-2027 of which the ANS is a part.


Published on March 26, 2021, the “EU for Health” or “EU4Health” program aims to significantly contribute to the post-COVID-19 recovery plan through strengthening the resilience of health systems and promoting innovation. This is thanks to the provision of 5.1 billion euros for the period 2021-2027, a budget more than ten times higher than that of previous health programs.

Towards a European Semantic Interoperability

France has chosen to commit to the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) terminology, within the European dynamic, aiming in particular to enable the construction of the future European health data space, a strategic axis of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

It does this with co-financing from the European Union and subject to the contractual and legal finalization of the ongoing negotiations between France and the SNOMED International association.

The ANS in charge of the WHO-France Collaborating Center

The French Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization (WHO) for the Family of International Classifications (ccWHO FCI) has the main objectives of developing, disseminating and promoting in France the use of international classifications produced by the WHO. The center thus plays a key role in the maintenance, implementation both from the point of view of deployment and development of uses, and the translation into French of the classifications which are:

  • the International Classification of Diseases (ICD),
  • the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF),
  • the International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI).

The center, under the supervision of the WHO, belongs to the network of collaborating centers. The objective of the network is to share knowledge and good practices in the field of health classifications.

Concerning the deployment of the CIM 11, this network also allows the pooling of resources (e.g.: French-speaking translations and the development of training modules for the French-speaking world). The French collaborating center is also involved in improving the structuring of information in the electronic patient file and the development of terminological bridges between WHO Classifications and Complementary Terminologies, to better meet the digital needs of health professionals, in the production of care, and epidemiologists, in data exploitation.

In France, the Sesali service

Discover the service in 3 minutes

In France, the entry point for data from the MyHealth@EU programme is Sesali. The Sesali service allows you to consult a European patient summary securely, in a structured way and in French, in just a few clicks! Sesali currently uses data from the Patient Summary section, and work is underway to enable it to collect e-Prescriptions documents as well.

The service is available to healthcare professionals directly on the website

And for eHealth companies, its API is available for incorporating into software on the industry portal.

On the European Pathway

The digital health roadmap now integrates current European programs to which the Digital Health Agency and its partners contribute.

Discover the international dimension in the chapter “The European Health Data Space (MaSanté@UE and Sesali)” of the digital health doctrine (page 57, french content).

This chapter covers the essential elements, namely: The European Health Data Space, the presentation of benefits through use cases with MyHealth@EU and the Sesali portal. As well as the associated ambitions and planning.

Our Partners